Grover's Disease Natural Remedies

Grover's disease is a skin disorder characterized by itchy red lumps on the trunk. It is a rare skin condition that generally affects people above the age of 40. Though, this skin condition can also happen in younger persons. Men are further susceptible to Grover’s disease than women. The characteristic symptom of this disease is the look of red tiny bumps on the middle of the chest and on the back. Grover’s disease is not a severe skin disease, the symptoms can be controlled but the disease remains incurable. It comes and goes. It needs to be treated because the disease persists for a long period. If it remains unattended there may be difficulties like dermatitis and infections. The main focus of Grover's Disease Treatment is to reduce itching and irritation which may cause bleeding from the tiny bumps. Doctors generally recommend corticosteroid creams if the condition is mild. If the rash and itching are severe, the dermatologist may use corticosteroid injections, ...